CAMBIUM NRT Funding Opportunities

Travel and Research grant applications are now being accepted for MS and PhD students!

Program Dates: Fall 2025 – Summer 2029
Fellowship includes: 
  • 2-year fellowship
  • Annual stipend of $34,000
  • Tuition remission
  • Waived mandatory fees
  • Health insurance coverage


Are you interested in harnessing the biodiversity big data revolution to transform understanding future biodiversity and interconnected societal impacts?  Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation through Biodiversity Informatics education and Mentoring, or CAMBIUM, is a 2-year fully funded fellowship for graduate students passionate about training as diverse transdisciplinary Biodiversity Data Scientists. Fellows will become leaders in integrating fundamental knowledge in ecology and evolution, data science, policy, governance systems and the connectedness  among diversity, health and societal well-being to effectively communicate consequences of environmental change to diverse stakeholders.

Fellows are required to take two new courses, Biodiversity Data Science and Global Change Case Studies, as part of a new Certificate in Applied Biodiversity Informatics. They will also participate in Interdisciplinary Research Rotations, Career and Professional Development, and regular research updates during CAMBIUM meetings and annually at the CAMBIUM Integration Institute.

Students from underrepresented groups, including students from Tribal Colleges, first-generation college students, and students from low-income households are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Fellows must be currently enrolled or accepted into a graduate program at the University of Arizona.


Participating Units: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), College of Public Health (MEZCOPH), School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE), Department of Environmental Science (ES), School of Information (iSchool), Data Science Institute. Note that other units with similar research goals are welcome to participate.

CAMBIUM Graduate Research Fellowships are offered once a year with the following deadlines:

Spring:      Application Opens January 15 / Closes March 01 / Award notice April 01 

CAMBIUM Research Fellowships are designed to support MS or PhD students for 2 years with an annual stipend of $34,000, tuition remission, waiver of mandatory fees, and healthcare coverage.

Eligibility requirements & Selection Criteria:   

•Applicant must be U.S. citizens or permanent resident of the United States. 
•Fellow must be currently enrolled or accepted into a graduate program at the University of Arizona.
•Fellowships are designated for incoming students, starting in the Fall.
•Fellow will conduct research related to the goals and mission of the CAMBIUM NRT.
•Fellow must commit to fulfilling program requirements, including but not limited to attending the annual integration initiative, completing the Biodiversity Informatics Certificate Program, and regular attendance to the bi-weekly research and professional development meetings.

Application: Application are accepted as a single pdf (file name: “CAMBIUM_Fellow_FirstName_LastName”), containing the following:

  1. Cover page: include your name, contact information, the department and degree program (PhD/MS) applying to or currently enrolled in.
  2. A 1000-word or less proposal narrative describing your current or intended research, clearly state how your research connects to the CAMBIUM NRT and what you hope to gain by participating in this program.
  3. Curriculum vitae (CV, no more than 3 pages).  
  4. One single page reference letter from the applicant’s potential faculty advisor at the University of Arizona indicating support for the student's CAMBIUM fellowship application and participation in the NRT program.  (faculty advisor can upload directly below or send directly to Vanessa

Deadline: All application materials must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on March 1st.


CAMBIUM Graduate Travel Grants are offered twice a year with the following deadlines:

Fall Round:   Application Opens July 15 / Closes September 01 / Award notice October 01

Spring Round:      Application Opens February 15 / Closes March 31 / Award notice May 01 

CAMBIUM Travel Grants are designed to support NRT affiliated student travel for dissemination and presentations of CAMBIUM NRT participant activities, field work, or similar activities. Travel awards total $1500 to travel related expenses, including airfare, lodging, conference fees.

Eligibility requirements:   

• Applicants must be currently enrolled University of Arizona graduate students 
• They must be active participants in the CAMBIUM NRT 
• Open to non-fellow CAMBIUM participants

Selection Criteria: Award selection is based on (1) articulation of current and future participation as active CAMBIUM trainees, and (2) effectively and concisely describing the significance this travel will have in progressing individual research goals and contributing to the objectives of CAMBIUM. 

Application: Application are accepted as a single pdf (file name: “CAMBIUM_TG_FirstName_LastName”) and should contain the following:

  1. Cover page: include your name, contact information, the department and degree program (PhD/MS) applying to or currently enrolled in.
  2. 500-word proposal narrative describing the reason for travel, including the location, event name, dates, itemized budget, and what the student hopes to achieve while attending
  3. curriculum vitae (CV, no more than 3 pages).  

Deadline: All application materials must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on the close date listed above.


CAMBIUM Graduate Research Grants are offered twice a year with the following deadlines:

Fall Round:   Application Opens July 15 / Closes September 01 / Award notice October 01

Spring Round:      Application Opens February 15 / Closes March 31 / Award notice May 01 

CAMBIUM Research Grants are designed to support NRT affiliated student research activities including materials and supplies, analytics, computational expenses or similar research related costs. Research awards total $1500.  

Eligibility requirements:   

•Applicants must be currently enrolled University of Arizona graduate students 
•They must be active participants in the CAMBIUM NRT
• Open to non-fellow CAMBIUM participants

Selection Criteria: Award selection is based on (1) articulation of current and future participation as active CAMBIUM trainees, and (2) clearly describing how funds will be used, and how they will support individual research goals and contribute to the objectives of CAMBIUM. 

Application: Application are accepted as a single pdf (file name: “CAMBIUM_RG_FirstName_LastName”) and should contain the following:

  1. Cover page: include your name, contact information, the department and degree program (PhD/MS) applying to or currently enrolled in.
  2. 500-word proposal narrative describing the research objectives, including how funds will be used to support/extend their research projects (include an itemized budget), indicate if funds will be used to bridge disciplines and identify unit participants.
  3.  curriculum vitae (CV, no more than 3 pages). 

Deadline: All application materials must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on March 31st.